America: Trump took intelligence documents with him from White House

Trump took intelligence documents with him from White House

Trump took intelligence documents with him from White House

Trump is accused of taking several documents from the White House with him to Florida, according to the National Archives of America. Trump also took national security documents, according to National Archives archivist David S. Ferriero, who wrote to House Committee Chair Caroline B. Maloney. The Department of Justice has been contacted. Trump’s habit of tearing papers should also be investigated, according to the archive.

The investigating agency has yet to make a statement.

Members of the House of Representatives have launched an investigation, according to the agency, and the National Archives has asked the Justice Ministry to look into the matter. The Ministry of Justice and the Federal Investigation Agency have yet to comment.

Maloney, who chairs the White House Committee on Oversight and Correction, has called for an investigation by the National Archives and the Justice Department. To see if Trump broke the Presidential Records Act in any way. When a chief executive leaves office, he or she is required by law to turn over all official records.

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